Wizard of Oz Analysis

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On April 30, 2011 I went to see The Wizard of Oz written by L. Frank Baum in the year 1902. This showing of The Wizard of Oz was performed by the Adams City Drama Club at their theatre in Commerce City, Colorado and directed by Justin Davis. However, this was not the same old Wizard of Oz everyone has seen and heard about etc. Instead of having the actors sing the songs that were in the play the songs were played by the orchestra while the actors danced and the audience sung them. This choice by Mr. Davis I felt was a risky one because there were a lot of songs in that play that not everyone in the audience was familiar with. I was glad that a few of the actors I had graduated with as well as myself were in the audience because we did this play a few years ago and still knew all the words to the songs. It was however a good way to get the audience involved with the play and to keep them on their toes. I feel as if Mr. Davis didn’t want the audience to just have to sit quietly and absorb, The Wizard of Oz is a well-known show and movie so it was a good choice for what he wanted to accomplish. This affected the audience because not very many people were prepared to be actively involved and were surprised at first, but as the show progressed many relaxed considerably and had a great time. One of the choices which were made that worked really well was the way they decided to show the set, to make the background pieces, and the detail that went into each piece. The main part of the set was on a projector high above everyone that showed on a screen at the back of the stage. In doing this the crew was able to put any picture on it to give the audience the feel that they were supposed to be in a certain place and it worked. If you were supposed to be in the dark forest it really felt as if you were with the characters lost in the forest. The set pieces were all made out of
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