Wit and Donne Language Comparison

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The Value of Literature Bearing bases her whole identity on it Donne prides himself on it, but didn’t want to be known as a writer. Posner takes it so he can appear well-rounded and get into medical school. Does literature make us better people? The play indicates no Wit | Poetry | page 3 questioning words | p3 poetry wasn’t meant to be written for making money | page 4 breaking down words | p3 it was meant to be aristocratic accomplishment | page 9 she’s a scholar | p3 poetry is only useful for promoting ones skills as in language, wit and tact. | page 12 the use of wit | If poisonous minerals- same structure to wit, the first octave donne interrogates god, believing he should be forgiven. After this he seems to realize the big picture – he is arguing with god. | page 17 a major project for john donne | | page 20 disgusted when used ‘Anglo Saxon’ | | page 26 “I knew words would be my life’s work.” | | page 27 | | page 30 paradoxes | | page 42-43ish no longer focused on being a scholar- change in focus. | | page 44 “I always want to know more things. I’m a scholar. Or I was when I had shoes, when I had eyebrows.” | | If poysonous minerals similar to wit in the poems structure, questioning/interrogating god In the last sestet he changes focus – realising the big picture. He won’t get anywhere with what he was doing in the octave (arguing with god) – much like wit – she won’t get anywhere by studying language Donne | Wit | Direct – short – punchy | recognition of need for simplicity | Donne is an iconoclastic – he innovatively breaks the rules and attacks sacred cows.Donne is recognised for his verbal ability to arrest our attention.His language is simple, colloquial, direct and forcefulHis is the language of argument; the language of logic and reasoning.He uses of short monosyllabic words to create a
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