William Bradford’s of Plymouth Plantation

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In Bradford’s Of Plymouth Plantation, he documented the voyage and settlement of Plymouth. The Pilgrims began their journey in England as Puritan Separatists where they were persecuted for their beliefs and fled to Holland, but later took the voyage to New England. Between the Plymouth landing in 1620 and 1632, the people of the plantation grew prosperous. William Bradford viewed the success and prosperity of the Plymouth community negatively due to causing the separation of church and fellowship. The purpose of the voyage to New England was to start a new church together following Calvin’s model without having the risk of being persecuted. Throughout Bradford’s writings, he referenced how God is looking out for them and making sure that they are safe because they are doing what God wants them to do and doing what pleases him. After being attacked by Indians Bradford gave credit to God for their safety. “Thus it pleased God to vanquish their enemies, and not give them deliverance; and by His special providence so to dispose tat not any one of them were either hurt, or hit.” After the people of Plymouth become successful they start to disperse which made it difficult for them to bring their family into Plymouth for church services. Members of the church began to form their own churches to make it possible for them to attend regularly. This disappointed Bradford because he believed that God wanted them to come over to this new land in order to create a single church. After they began to spread out Bradford thinks that God might no longer look after them since they are not doing right by him. This also disappointed him because they were willing to sacrifice so much and put their lives at risk for their church, but once they had success they easily abandoned all that they stood for at the beginning and during the hard times of this adventure. With the people of
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