Why Writing Is Essential For Life

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Before I did any research for this assignment, I wanted to give my own reasons why I believe writing is essential to many, if not all aspects of life. My number one reason is for the stability of our future and the futures, after. I have never been great at writing. It is very difficult for me to properly, communicate my thoughts onto paper. I was not taught this where I live, here the educational system is a shame and is only getting worse. I want to become a better writer, better reader and an overall better student, so that I may become a better teacher to my daughter. Now that I am a mother and a student, it has become apparent to me how vital it is for me to improve my writing skills. Teachers, teach the laid out lesson plans given to them, which have been exactly the same for many years. Do any of these teachers teach us how important good writing skills are to our lives and our futures? [This class has already taught me more in one week than in my entire prior education.] Do they really make sure, this is no joke? My opinion, no they do not. For this reason, it has affected the future endeavors for myself and I am sure many others. We have lost what is most important in societies’ development and writing is the most essential part of that development. I believe that if the education on writing continues in this manner we will end up in a society, with no more need for education, no more entertainment [of any kind], no more order and no more truly meaningful existences. The world as we know it would cease to exist. To me, this sounds like an all to near future since our educational system is already diminishing. Barker 2 I can be a very deep thinker, I am sure this is the main reason it is hard for me to properly write what is on my mind. To my surprise, my opinion was more or less solidified, when I came across this opinion online. “Without

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