Why We Should Save Secondary School Sports Programs

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Why We Should Save Secondary School Sports Programs Abstract In the past 10 years or so high school institutions have been forced to make budget cuts. This has resulted in high school athletic programs being cut completely in some cases. While budget has much to do with the recent crisis, academics play a large role as well. The world of academia has taken center stage and more pressure than ever is being put on teenagers to excel at high levels in this realm. Some have argued that time spent in athletic activity cuts away from study time. However, much research proves quite the opposite. Sports do not take away from academic performance, but rather help to enrich it. Why We Should Save Secondary School Sports Programs In recent years, American secondary athletic programs have been under an enormous amount of duress; the fall of the economy in the past ten years has intensified this battle rather than alleviated it. Today’s society puts an unsurmountable amount of pressure on the world of academia, academia being our education programs. From things such as everyday schoolwork to entrance exams, and even academic clubs the world as we know it has indulged in an overbearing obsession and an equivalent overly- compulsive disorder even with education. More and more tax-payer dollars are being crammed into schools, libraries, and research centers alike. As these educational programs attract millions upon billions of dollars annually, America’s secondary athletics programs are in dire straits. The increased penetration of money towards our academic programs, our athletic programs are silently suffering more and more each passing school year. Do not mistake me as the importance of education in the world today is fully recognized and that without it the greater majority of youth in American will never make it. A college education today is nearly a prescribed

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