Why Television Is so Unhealthy

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It is amazing how someone can spend most of their lives with an object that does not help you but hurt you in so many ways. Television is not only unhealthy for your mind but the rest of your body as well. It is like a cigarette, harmful to you and hard to leave once you are hooked. I agree with Alice Walkers’ view on television ad how it belittles peoples’ intelligence, because watching television affects your brain in so many ways, makes you inactive, and even socially awkward. First of all, why would you continue to do that harms the one thing you truly need in life, your brain. Watching television can trigger may unwanted characteristics in a person such as; aggression, low self esteem, or even emotional misbalance(depression). “ Statistics have proved that the growth of time spent next to the TV set scales up to the development of aggression. “ “Television also has a great in influence on self-image of people watching it.” “Even if the programs watched are not violet, if they are watched for hours it may have a deep impact on the personality, causing psychological and physiological problems. All hidden effects in the films and commercial subconsciously depress children and grown-ups.” When you think of your brain think of your body. We know for a fact that vegetables are good for our bodies and that sweats are not good for us. It is the same with your brain where television would substitute the sweats and reading would substitute the vegetables. Secondly, do you honestly expect yourself to stay healthy ad fit by sitting on a couch all day. Constantly sitting around watching television as part of your daily routine will make you lazy. “It lowers the overage level of physical fitness of a person, breaking the coordination.” A main source for obesity in today’s generation is watching TV and eating, but then not bothering to burn the carbs. “The United States is
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