Why Study History?

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History, to many people, is just a boring subject about events that took place in the past. Often times you hear questions such as “Why do I need to study something that happened so long ago?” or “It happened in the past, so why do I need to worry about it now?”. History is an underrated subject that is often misinterpreted as boring or pointless. But truth be told, history is actually an important factor in the way things run in the world. Without history we would not know about the culture of civilizations that reigned years ago. Without history we would not have the diversity in culture that the world has. History offers us a major in college that has a colorful spectrum of ideas and stories that teach students more about how life was for older civilizations compared to that of the lives of present day people. Finally, history offers us a resource of endless knowledge that has been around for ages. It gives us a chance to revel in the ideas of great philosophers or adventurers from long ago. History gives us a chance to better ourselves with these ideas and shape us into brighter people. So why study history? Study history to learn about historical figures and discoveries that were presented to science many years ago, to prepare yourself for a possible major in college full of knowledge and wisdom, and discover yourself or better yourself by learning life lessons shared by great thinkers from the past. The world around us is a vast habitat that is home to many organisms and different historical figures. History is something that many scientists use when studying an organism. They study the background of the organism, past research on it, and its behavior in a controlled or uncontrolled testing area. The same idea wraps around historical figures. There are countless artifacts or structures or sightings that could serve as a historical figure. Take the ancient

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