Why Sanitation Is Important

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Why sanitization is important and how the military changed my life There are many reasons that sanitation is important. First it is important to know the definition of sanitation before I can explain why it is important. It is defined in two ways, the state of being clean and conducive to health, and the other is making something sanitary (free of germs) as by sterilizing. Both of these are different ways of saying making an area clean. Sanitation is used in many places such as living environment’s, sewage plants, offices and other work places it is especially important in a hospital my future place of employment to avoid not only making me sick but also making my patients problems worse. It is important in all of these places however for many reasons such as avoiding sickness, smell, and it could also make a happier living place or work environment. Why is sanitization so important in making sure people don’t get sick? The better question is how does not being sanitary cause health problems such as sickness, and what kind of germs and sicknesses can occur and what can they do to you? Think about this when you are at a restaurant and your waiter touches your food without washing their hands there lack of sanitation could and most likely would make you very sick would you be appreciative to your waiter for that? This is one of many examples of why sanitization is important. Many illnesses are spread from person to person by germs. Germs are best described by saying they are tiny living things that cause sickness and disease. Sometimes it is easy to know where germs are - in feces, rotting foods, and other dirty places. But sometimes, germs are in places that look and smell clean. Germs can pass directly from person to person through touch, and sometimes through the air with dust or when people cough or sneeze. They can spread through food and drinking water. Or

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