Why People Love Facebook

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11/08/2011 Why people love Facebook It seems everyone loves Facebook. Everywhere you go, you can see people logged in, updating their status. Whether they are at home, work or in the passenger seat of a vehicle on their way to school, people of all ages are signing in to the most popular social network, Facebook. They are afraid they will miss something. They love socializing. People always have. They want to know what is going on in the World and in everyone’s lives. They also love telling the World, what is going on in theirs. Why do people love Facebook? There are many answers to this question. Different people have different reasons for loving it. One reason, Facebook is so popular is that there is a huge amount of Facebook members. Where there is a crowd, even more people will gather. People are curious, and they want to know what is causing the crowd. To find out why people like Facebook so much, they become members themselves. Once they do this, and visit the site a couple of times, they become addicted, in a sense. They see all the neat features of Facebook and enjoy it very much. Every chance they get, they log in to find more Facebook friends and to have more fun. Sharing pictures, videos, and interests are some of the features many people enjoy on Facebook. Being able to connect with friends and family anytime, from anywhere is another. Making connections with friends from the past is something else that Facebook makes possible. Facebook has tons of applications and games available on the site also. Playing games with Facebook friends is a great way to spend leisure time. People that have a lot of time, for that sort of thing, really get into it. It is, as if, they are in their own little virtual world. Playing a game alone, against the computer is something no one has to do any more. Businesses are now

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