Why My Education Is Important

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“Why college education is important to me” To have a college education is like a cactus in the desert. The education is job security, as the needles protect the cactus. When you have a lot of experience but no education to back it up, you do not have that “protection”. Having knowledge opens the door to opportunities that you would not have otherwise. In the “Early Childhood” field, we need to be positive role models to our children under our care. We go in our classrooms each and everyday, have the chance to inspire as we teach the basics. I believe that the only opportunity some of our children have to be inspired is while in our care and that is our responsibility to do just that. The passion of teaching young children has become my inspiration to finish my degree. Coming from a strong military background, I firmly believe that education is a privilege. I should give it my all, since they have given so much. Having a higher education means commitment not only to the school I attend, but also me. I can do anything that I put my mind to. I will be the first in my family to achieve any degree in college, that inspires me to not only want to “just pass”, but also to do my best. What will it take for me to be able to help others grow (educationally)? I need to take all that I can get not only from textbooks, but also my real life experiences inside the classroom. Will I gain a better life by getting a better education? I am not sure, but that honestly is not my main goal. My true goal is to see how many lives I can impact for the better in my life time. What inspires me to continue on the path in life? The little ones, that greets me each morning with smiles and hugs. The one that I know does not get that one on one attention, unless I give it to him. The one, that crawls on my lap during story

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