Why Is The Initial Consultation So Important? Wha

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Word count 1,883 Why is the initial consultation so important? What factors will an ethical therapist cover at this time? In this essay I will discuss the importance of client consultation, talk about the questions the therapist should ask the client and the ethical reasons and contraindications the therapist should be looking out for. When a person has a specific problem, whether it is a fear or phobia or something they wish to change about themselves, they may consult a hypnotherapist to help them overcome their problem, during hypnotherapy the therapist will address the clients specific needs. But before the therapist can decide the correct route to therapy it is necessary for them to conduct an assessment of the client during the first consultation. They may advertise a free initial consultation, if they do, it should be made clear that only the first half hour is free, then if both the client and therapist are happy to continue, the client must then pay for the therapists time. There should be a contract between the client and therapist outlining the estimated number of therapy sessions needed, what will be involved and the therapist must complete the therapy as soon as they believe the client has overcome the problem they have consulted the therapist about. It is important that the relationship between client and therapist never oversteps the boundaries of a professional relationship, it is necessary to build a relationship with a client but this relationship may never become anything else, if at any time the therapist suspects the relationship is becoming anything but client and therapist, they must end any treatment and refer the client to another therapist. A therapist can also use the initial assessment to make sure they do not already know the person they are about to treat, this is called a dual relationship. The therapist
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