Mercutio Character Analysis

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Romeo and Juliet Essay Q. Discuss the role of Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet and what makes Mercutio so memorable a character? Mercutio is Romeo´s best friend. He is one of the most memorable characters. What makes him so memorable is his personality. He adds humor, imagination and love in his words. He was always loyal to his close friend Romeo. Although he only appeared in 4 scenes out of the 24 his appearance counts a lot to the book. He is not Montague or Capulet. Mercutio in his last breath curses both families, Capulet´s and Montague’s for leading him to death. Unlike the other characters who blame their deaths on fate. It has been said that Shakespeare killed Mercutio because he was stealing too much attention. One could say…show more content…
When Romeo complains about his love towards Rosaline, Mercutio tells him to stop moaning about it “If love be rough with you, be rough with love; Prick love for pricking, and you beat love down” (Romeo and Juliet Act: 1 Scene: 4). Mercutio is also hostile towards female sexuality in general for example when he is fooling around with the nurse or when he describes Rosaline’s body. Mercutio´s dislike towards the female genre could be said to be signs of being misogynist (women hater). His sexual jokes are all were the play. Mercutio is essential to the play he is the Prince´s kinsman, but above all he is Romeo´s best friend and his intimate. Mercutio brings humor and playfulness to the play. The audience loves Mercutio because he´s character stands out from the rest and because he is humorous. Another reason is that he is always living the edge of life and always looking for something dangerous and exciting to do. Even though Mercutio has a pessimistic view of life, he worries about Romeo, which is confirmed when he fights Tybalt. Mercutio´s character is essential to the play. First off all he convinces Romeo to attend the party at the Capulets house, where Romeo meets Juliet. Afterwards showing loyalty to Romeo by fighting Tybalt. Unlike the other dying characters, Mercutio blames the two disputing families for his death, dissimilar than the other members of the play who blame
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