Why Is Learning Styles so Important?

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Why Is Learning Styles Why Is Learning Styles So Important? Kristen Burch COLL 100 American Public University Professor Bass Why Is Learning Styles Why Is Learning Styles So Important? Most people have a preferred way to learn some learn best by listening, some have to observe every step, while others have to do it to learn it. I’m a little of both Kinesthetic and Auditory. An Auditory Learner, may wish to use tapes. Tape lectures to help fill in the gaps in notes. But also to listen and take lots of notes, reviewing notes frequently. Sit somewhere in the classroom where you can hear well what the teacher says. After reading something, summarize it and read it aloud to yourself. A Kinesthetic learner is more like an hands-on learner and most likely love to move around frequently, like athletics, and to build things with their hands. It’s hard for some people that are more of an Auditory or Kinesthetic learner because most companies and schools leans towards to the people whose highest learning style preference is visual. But we should all be grateful for our talents we are all unique in our own ways. The best way for a person to learn their own learning style depends on the person. The teacher should always encourage the students to understand their preferred learning style. I myself was very encourage into finding out more about which learning style fits me the best. For some people they find out their true learning style by the time they hit high school or until they get into college. And discover a productive way to study and get their assignments done on time in their own ways. One of the most common and widely-used categorizations of the various types of learning styles is Fleming’s VARK model, which expanded upon earlier Neuro-linguistic Programming (VARK) models 1. Visual learners; 2. Auditory learners; 3. Kinesthetic learners or tactile
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