Why Is E-Learning Popular

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E-learning is instruction that is delivered electronically, in part or wholly via a web browser through the internet or intranet, or through multimedia platforms such as CD-ROM or DVD. It is becoming popular because of following reasons-  E-learning makes learning exciting, engaging and compelling.  The interaction created when students exchange questions with others stimulates better understanding and recall of information.  It is a self paced learning.  It includes different styles and various activities for different learning styles.  Minimizes travel costs and travel time of students.  Convenience of choice of place and time.  Students are motivated to find information relevant to their personal situation by browsing the hyper links to sites.  Increases students’ knowledge of internet that may further help them in their career.  Provides context sensitive help (Electronic performance support systems) to computer users and help them to complete tasks.  Students can select learning materials and contents that meet their level of knowledge, interest and what they need to know to perform an activity effectively.  Builds self-knowledge and self-confidence and encourages students to take responsibility of their learning.  It is helping the organizations to recognize that 70% of learning occurs when a person is on the job.  E-learning makes learning active.  E-learning supports learning through reflection and discussion.  E-learning represents convergence in the education, training and information fields.  E-learning is readily up-dated and distributed to everybody.  E-learning is convenient and contextualized.  E-learning enables the organization to make better use of its resources.  E-learning allows for access to many relevant views on a problem. Q.2. What are some of the pitfalls with e-learning? Ans: The fundamental
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