Why Information Technology Is Important

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“Why Information Technology is Important” From a personal perspective, technology has always been part of my life. It is permanently ingrained into my everyday life activities. I cannot identify a point in time during my life where I was not using technology at school or at home. Because of this extensive and intensive exposure to technology, I readily embraced this mode of communication which has served me well by incorporating non-technological tools with our ever evolving technology. While my mother has not fully emerged herself with technology, my father has. Both are “baby boomers”, which make up one of the largest segments of our population. As new technology is developed, ease of use for the entire population will be a necessity to lessen the digital divide. I often feel as if I live in two worlds because of the divide between my parents and their views on technology. I rely on technology for speed and simplicity. Recently with the launch of the new Apple iPad and the spread of 3-D technology, one can only imagine the impact this will have on the media industry. The 3-D technology will give viewers the sense of being right in the “mix” of what is happening. While some individuals will revel in this emerging technology, others will not readily accept 3-D technology as the norm. Then there is the problem, how could this technology be supported from a global perspective. People in poor countries still do not have access to well establish technology like laptops, digital televisions, or even cell phones. Costs or economics to bring technology to the masses in underdeveloped nations is challenging now and will be in the next five years. This will only add to an increase in the digital divide among developed and underdeveloped nations. With technology used to support and enhance education, the educational systems globally that do not have access

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