Why I Want a Wife

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450 QUESTIONS FOR DISCUSSION Content Chapter 10 Argument and Persuasion Why I Want a Wife Judy Brady 451 SUGGESTIONS FOR SUSTAINED WRITING a. Write your own narrative of September 11, 2001. What was your story of that day? b. Compare Nye's essay to Jonathan Lethem's "9 Failures of the Imagination" (chapter 5) or to Andrew Sullivan's "This Is a Religious War" (chapter 11). Write an essay in which you compare or contrast authors' attitudes toward Islam or their stylistic approach to dealing with the September 11 attacks. c. Become more informed about the situation in the Middle East and write a report to explain one cause of one problem. Depending on your prior knowledge or the time available to do this assignment, extend your report to propose a solution. Alternatively, look up the Seeds of Peace organization and report to your classmates about its history and one of its programs. a. What is Nye trying to persuade you to do, say, or feel? How successful is she? b. "And it will be peace, not violence, that fixes things," Nye writes in paragraph 9. Do you agree? Or do you think that Nye is naYve, that some situations can be fixed only with violence? c. What does Nye dislike about American movies and television? Why might she have singled out American movies and television and not focused on European or Asian films? d. What is the image of her grandmother that Nye creates? Is her grandmother meant to represent all grandmothers? If so, at what point in one's life does a person take on a grandmother's view toward the world? e. In paragraph 14, Nye asks about the terrorists who planned the attacks: ''It is hard to imagine they missed [that Americans are kind people]. How could they do what they did, knowing that?" Although this is a rhetorical question, how might it be answered? , READ MORE Nye and Her Works "Naomi Shihab Nye"

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