Why I Moved to Texas

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Why I Moved to Texas My family moved to Texas in 1978. My father told me that it was because the job industry in Texas, especially Dallas, was booming. So my parents packed their bags and came from New York. Since then we have lived in Dallas, Texas. The reason we stayed is because my parents had jobs that they loved and the jobs paid well enough to provide for our family. My father worked as a contract worker for Exxon Mobile. He now is a full-time employee with the company. My mother found a job working at the Methodist hospital. She has worked there for over twenty years, moving between different units. Once us children were born, my parents continued to live in Texas because the school system was good, according to them. My family has sometimes debated on whether or not we should move. I feel that we shouldn’t move because I don’t want to leave all the friends I have made. My parents don’t want to move because we are financially well off here in Texas. I came to Texas State because I didn’t want to go to college by my home. I had to stay in Texas due to financial reasons. Another major reason that we stayed in Texas, is because of the Baptist Church in Dallas. My mother has been a part of the church since it was first started. She has been a part of every committee and taught religious education classes there. The community around our home is so welcoming that we have not felt a need to leave. Since then, I have become involved with the church and have made many friends. These are the reasons that I love Texas. I do not know the political reasons for my family moving to Texas. I do not believe that politics played a major role I the move here. I have never asked my parents what their political affiliations are since it is none of my business. Basically, our move to Texas was financial. The reasons we stayed were financial and
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