Why Follow Your Purpose

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Why follow your purpose?

Many people will ask, “Why should I follow my/a purpose? I just want to earn as much money as I can and become free to do what I want when I want!” This is understandably true, for majority within the Corporate Sector, I can relate as I was the same.

Then when I got to my desired position, I thought to myself, “Is this it?” “What shall I do now?” To be honest, you will not feel satisfied until you do follow your purpose, that feeling of emptiness will stay with you no matter how many toys, roles, responsibilities and distractions you place in front of you. The cemeteries are filled with people who have done just that, as a result managed to live a mediocre life without any or only glimpses of happiness, fulfillment and satisfaction.

“Why do we try so hard to fit in, when we were born to stand out?”

To those who who cannot afford to pursue their purpose, I respond, “you cannot afford not to follow your purpose if you want to live a truly happy and fulfilling life.” There is no other option, but to dig deep past your material conditioning and into your core strengths, to start a journey of self-discovery. No doubt there will be so-called failures or errors in your judgement, but this is all necessary to provide you the lessons needed in order to strengthen you and develop you into the person you will need to become for a life of leadership in your field.

Imagine a life

I now invite you to imagine a life where you are so excited, energized and fascinated about your current project or role, that sleeping becomes a inconvenience. Remember those days as a child when you were so joyous, excited and energized that you could just play all day and all night without any breaks for food or bed. You were in a place where hours past as a matter of minutes, you were constantly active in engaging with every one of your senses into this

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