Why Family Is Important?

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Why Family is Important Family is a group of people linked together through marriage or blood links to form a social life together. It has long been said: “A happy family is but an earlier heaven”. This quote emphasizes that family is a main cause of everyone’s happiness. It is very important because it plays a major role in everybody’s life, especially when the family is strong and closely bonded. Indeed, the importance of family lies in its function in the individual’s personality, development, education, support, and the emotional and spiritual sides. Beginning with the personality, the family is the first factor in shaping the person’s characteristics. In addition, it is the main factor in the well being of the physical growth and the mental development of the child. Moreover, when it comes to education, family is the initial thing that motivates the children and increases their interests in education and science. To illustrate, family greatly determine the scientific and moral level for each person in it. Furthermore, family members help each other to achieve everyone’s goals and be successful in life. In other words, the person’s family is the greatest source of help and support for him/her materially and morally. Last but not least, it is impossible to find more caring and loving people in someone’s life than his/ her own family. In conclusion, there are many reasons that make family in the priority of each person’s life. Not only that family has the credit in raising and developing its members physically and mentally, but also, it is the main supporter and incentive to them to be better human beings. Indeed, family members are among the few people in the world who love, care, and always be there for each
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