Why Energy Drinks Are Unhealthy

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Why Energy Drinks Are Bad For You Imagine that it’s late at night, and you’re still studying for that test. You’re exhausted after a long day, but you want to keep yourself awake. So you grab a Red bull to give you energy. Energy drinks claim to increase your energy, and will keep you awake and alert. Many people consume energy drinks to give them a boost, and having an energy drink once in a while is perfectly fine. But the problem is, people tend to abuse them. Some people are drinking more than they should, mixing them with alcohol, and much more. So are energy drinks really good for you? Most natural health professionals say “No.” Everyone knows that getting enough sleep is very important. After a good nights sleep, you feel better, your thoughts are clearer, and you’re more emotionally stable. However, if you don’t get enough sleep because of energy drinks, then you will notice a difference right away. The less sleep you get, the bigger chance you will get something called “Sleep Deprivation.” Sleep deprivation is a sleeping problem when you don’t let your body receive enough relaxation as it should. So basically, when you drink too much energy drinks, you’re not allowing your body to get enough rest. What usually happens, is that when the energy wears off, your body will crash, and you’ll suddenly get tired. Then you would start drinking another energy drink to boost your energy, starting the whole cycle again, causing an addiction. I’d rather get a good night’s sleep than stay up all night drinking energy drinks. The ingredients in energy drinks are also one of the main reasons why they are not good for you. Most of them contain a high amount of caffeine. Researchers say that the average energy drink has the same amount of caffeine as 7 cups of coffee. That is a lot more caffeine than a teenager needs! Energy drinks have other unhealthy ingredients in

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