Why Did the League of Nations Fail in Corfu in 1923?

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Why did the League of Nations fail in Corfu in 1923? The dispute in Corfu was an Italian general was killed while he was doing some work for the league in Greece. The Italian leader Mussolini was angry with the Greeks, Therefore he invaded the Greek island of Corfu which led to the Greeks asking the league for help So the league helped, the council of the league met. It condemned Mussolini and told him to leave Corfu. But of course they didn’t do it for free so the Greeks gave some money to the League. But what actually happened was Mussolini refused to accept the decision which was to leave Corfu, Therefore the league changed its decision. The league now told Greece to apologize to Mussolini and top pay the money to Italy. The Greeks did as the league said, and then Mussolini gave Corfu back to Greece. This all meant the league failed to stop Italy from invading the Greek island of Corfu even though Greece asked for help. The Corfu incident was seen as a serious failure for the league. It showed that powerful nations could still bully a less powerful neighbour (Greece was a small, weak country with no powerful friends on the council) G. Scott In 1973 wrote: “the settlement made a nasty smell. The Greeks were bitter; the assembly felt it had been degraded. Mussolini appeared to have triumphed in his assertion that where a nation was powerful enough, it was justified in using force to further its interests and the league had no right to interfere” this quote is relevant as it is true the fact that the league had no right to interfere what so

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