Why Did Parliament Win The Civil War?

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Why did Parliament win the Civil War? The First Civil War lasted several years and it was not clear who was to win. In the end however, Parliament did succeed, and the King failed. The generals were a major factor, they inspired there army to fight well and bravely and had to work out the tactics that were to be used. Oliver Cromwell became the most important general on the Parliamentarian side and Prince Rupert on the Royalist side. Oliver Cromwell was famous for his well thought out tactics and his well disciplined army, where as Rupert, the kings nephew, made decisions without thinking them through and was not always in full control of his men. Before the war, Oliver Cromwell was worrying whether or not his army would want to fight the king because in those days it was said that the king is Gods representative. The king also had much more money because he was supported by some very wealthy men, so he had more money. However, as the war went on, the king’s money dwindled away, and Parliament raised taxes, therefore they had more money than the king. London was probably the most important place in the whole battle, without this, the parliamentarians probably wouldn’t have won. London had a large population and they mostly supported parliament. It was also an extremely wealthy place compared to the areas that the king owned (Wales, Cornwall and Northern England). London kept the parliamentarians supplied with soldiers and weapons for the entire war, and if the king took control of it, Parliament would certainly have lost. Parliament also had control of the Navy, which protected parliament against foreigners that the king might have asked to help him. The Scots were also on Parliaments side, and they helped parliament in many battles, particularly in the battle at Marston Moor. This meant that parliament was sure to control most of the North.
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