Why Could a Strategic Alliance with One or Two Suppliers Be Preferable to Using Multiple Suppliers?

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The concept of doing business in modern times is faced with many uncertainties especially the external factor is not controlled, which caused both the barriers and opportunities for implementation. The current state of the environment in Southeast Asia, especially in emerging countries will find that opportunities for growth or expansion of operations are very high in the long run. The general organization is focused on the growth and expansion of operations to reach opportunities more. However, the growth must be sustainable in the future to build a competitive organization in the long run. The strategic alliance is the one of strategy concept of the modern with the use of cords across a broad path in the current business and future growth to lead effectively in the future. A strategic alliance with one or two suppliers is preferable to using multiple suppliers. The strategic alliance is the agreement between the different organisations, each department is committed to providing resources to achieve target goals in one of several objectives. Based on Vapola, Paukku, and Gabrielsson research shows the meeting of objective, management strategic alliance focused on the high level of response and detection of a loose network of local partners with different reflect the multi-partner countries to manage. The reasons for the second proposal is straightforward to achieve a high level of responsiveness of the local MNC requires high level of customization to meet needs of the local, which refers to the need to accommodate variations different partners at the local level and different management approaches (Vapola & Paukku, and Gabrielsson 2010, p253). Many organisations have strategic alliances with many of the participants such as customers, suppliers, competitors, universities or government agencies. This tool is used is to reduce costs, increase knowledge, increase

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