Why Corporations Need Financial Markets and Institutions

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Chapter 002 Why Corporations Need Financial Markets and Institutions True / False Questions 1. Cumulative retained earnings of Apple Computers were $9.1 billions at the end of 2007. TRUE AACSB: Communication Abilities Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 2-1 2. The reinvestment of cash back into the firm's operations is an example of a flow of savings to investment. TRUE AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's: Understanding Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 2-1 3. Smaller businesses are especially dependent upon internally generated funds. TRUE AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's: Understanding Difficulty: Hard Learning Objective: 2-1 4. An individual can only save and invest in a corporation by lending money to it or by purchasing additional shares. FALSE AACSB: Reflective Thinking Skills Bloom's: Understanding Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 2-1 2-1 Chapter 002 Why Corporations Need Financial Markets and Institutions 5. Previously issued securities are traded among investors in the secondary markets. TRUE AACSB: Communication Abilities Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 2-3 6. Only the IPOs for large corporations are sold in primary markets. FALSE AACSB: Communication Abilities Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Medium Learning Objective: 2-3 7. Financial markets are also called equity markets. FALSE AACSB: Communication Abilities Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 2-3 8. The markets for long-term debt and equity are called capital markets. TRUE AACSB: Communication Abilities Bloom's: Knowledge Difficulty: Easy Learning Objective: 2-3 2-2 Chapter 002 Why Corporations Need Financial Markets and Institutions 9. The stocks of major corporations trade in many markets throughout the world on a continuous or near-continuous basis.

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