Why Christians Should Encourage People to Get Married

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All Christians Should Get Married Marriage is the legal bonding of a man and a woman which often occurs in a church and is celebrated at a reception. People debate over whether everybody should get married at some point in their life. There could be many reasons for thinking this way, depending upon a person’s religion and beliefs. For example, a person who has married parents who are loving, caring and gave them a happy childhood may believe that marriage is the ideal environment to raise a child and give them strong foundations to build their future on to. A child who has men or women constantly walking in and out of their life may get the impression that the opposite sex is more a toy than a person to love and trust. Also, there is evidence that children tend to enjoy better life outcomes when the same two parents give them support and protection. Furthermore, research shows that “children who have experienced the breakdown of their parents’ relationship are more likely to have poor cognitive development and education and employment outcomes than those who have lived with both birth parents”. Therefore, they believe that all Christians should get married because it’s the best atmosphere to bring up children. On the other hand, others argue that marriage isn’t important, as long as you promise to love and cherish each other forever. A child will see no difference between married parents and non-married parents as long as they live together and love each other. They believe that a meaningless piece of paper shouldn’t guarantee eternal unity – true devotion and mutual sacrifice should. Proof is that even if a married couple fall out of love or don’t compromise for each other; their relationship will break down, as will a non-married couple’s. Therefore, they believe that Christians do not need to get married because if a couple realise they do not want to be

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