Why Are You in Human Resources? Why Hr Is Important. What Meanings.

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Why are you in Human Resources? Why HR is important. What meanings. I am interested in Human Resource Management course because it have a excellent career and a satisfied job profile, In every company this position is required , and at the end of the day having no tension of any targets. In addition, my interpersonal skills, communication skills, negotiation skills that I have developed over the past years, which I want to gain more through the study of human resources and I also have the flair of working with people, knowing their requirements and what motivates them to work. Human resources are the set of individuals who make up the workforce of an organization, business sector or an economy. HR is not the administrative function of the company. HR drives the performance and leads managers to increase the performance of employees by using tools from HR. HR contributes to the results of the company, and it is responsible for finding the effective ways to improve the business efficiency. The importance of HR is in the global impact on the human capital of the organization. The top management has a single point of contact in solving the difficult challenges connected with the performance and motivation of human capital. HR knows the employees. HR knows the managers. HR understands the limits of the organization. HR knows how to fill the gaps in the job with the human capital. That is the importance of HR, and that is the reason, why HR exists in the organization. However, HR is not static; it continues in the development and growth. New approaches and practices are developed. The modern HR organization has to continue its development. Modern HR must invest into hiring and being able to retain the best HR employees available. HR has to establish the competitive HR policies to beat the competition on the job market. Main HR contribution to the business

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