Which System Provides the Best Conditions for Advancing Peace, Prosperity and Civilization?

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Every person in the world would like to live in peace, prosperity and civilized world. Everybody tends at least to create such atmosphere around him/her self and the family. As everyone is individual person, thus everyone has his/her own understanding what peace, prosperity world is. Also understanding of these values depends on the country where people live. Every country has its own way of development and chooses the form of government by its own.
I would like to start my writing assignments from the definitions of peace, prosperity and civilization. In this work I would like to pay attention on theoretical part of this, to give definition of these words. “Peace” is a state of harmony characterized by the lack of violent conflict and the freedom from fear of violence. Commonly understood as the absence of hostility, peace also suggests the existence of healthy or newly healed interpersonal or international relationship, prosperity in matters of social or economic welfare, the establishment of equality, and a working political order that serves the true interests of all. In international relations, peacetime is not only the absence of war or violent conflict, but also the presence of positive and respectful cultural and economic relationships. “Prosperity” is the state of flourishing, thriving, good fortune and or successful social status. Prosperity often encompasses wealth but also includes others factors which are independent of wealth to varying degrees, such as happiness and health. “Civilization” is controversial term that has been used in several related ways. Primarily, the term has been used to refer to the material and instrumental side of human cultures that are complex in terms of technology, science, and division of labor. Such civilizations
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