Which One Do You Feel Provides the Best Opportunity for Learning and Higher Academic Achievement, Single or Mixed Gender Class?

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Are there in the world different thinking between man and woman, and should girls and boys be educated separately? In the past was very common the single gender class, and that mean that those classes were strict especially man classes at that point the man schools were the same that the military education the same as girls schools, but actually the times they are a-changin. As a result that the mixed gender class became popular. Consequently is considered the best and common way to learn. There are three reasons why mixed gender class is better than single class. The first reason why the mixed gender class is better than single class. Is because people can learn and understand the mind such as men and girls this helps both genders know each other’s. Despite the fact that the those mind are completely difficult to understand, on the other hand, single gender classes just people is available to know the one part of the society and this entails that, the children enter school with preconceptions based on social stereotypes, so that children expect certain things of girls, and these, in turn, expect certain things from the boys; thus see, somewhat inhibited. Another reason that it is better mixed gender class. You can learn from very early ages to respect or be considerate for the opposite sex. Regardless of males tend to fight, to be disciplined, to skip class, to answer back to the professor. While females tend to be more calm and quiet, but this does not mean that the both gender can learn good manners and they can turn a good academic atmosphere in teaching site. Finally, in our society we need work effectively to both in the workplace and in the academic is for this reason that mixed gender class help to create and develop a good team work, encouraging healthy competition and the achievement of the objectives. To conclude, as considered by the

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