Which Argument for the Existence of God Is the Strongest?

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Which Argument for the Existence of God is the Strongest? Shelly Reynolds PHI 208 November 11, 2013 For decades, individuals have debated the merits of what some have called “The God Question.” There are many competing arguments for God’s existence, and debates have raged among religious types and atheists alike on the existence or non-existence of a deity. This debate has caused many smart people to come up with plausible and persuasive theories to back their side in the argument. This has created a new problem. When one drills down into the guts of this debate, which of the arguments for the existence of God is the most compelling? Some address this question from a moral perspective, arguing for the existence of God on the basis of the need for a moral center. Others argue for God based upon the idea that the world’s design suggests a designer. Others still opt for the ontological argument, which is the strongest philosophical argument for the existence of God. With dozens of different theories on the existence of God and a host of different ways to communicate those individual theories, it is clear that there significant room for discourse and discussion on the topic. In fact, some of the arguments work together to be quite persuasive to those who are looking for justifications of their own belief. The ontological argument is the strongest, though, and this is part of the reason why it has been defended by thinkers for many centuries. It provides a philosophical justification for faith, and untangling its complexities requires one to deal head-on with many of the larger questions surrounding both philosophy and religion. Before properly digesting the ins and outs of the ontological argument, one must first take a hard look at some of the other theories which might be

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