When Minorities Face Multicultural Societies

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Alvin 1 Alvin Wang (Group 10) #99121244 Professor Jonathan Klassen CONTEMPORARY TRENDS IN ENGLISH CHILDREN'S LITERATURE 28. May. 2012. When Minorities Face Multicultural Societies Are you a member of minorities in your country? If you are, you could have different viewpoint toward the society or the public from majorities, and you must have a different growing background. There must be minorities or inferior groups in a multicultural country; therefore, there must be some discrimination against certain kind of races or group members from the eyes of people who have a sense of superiority. The definition of a minority is that a group of people, within a society, where members have different ethnic, racial national, religious, sexual, political, linguistic or other characteristics from the rest of the main-strand society. I will discuss about the issues that when minorities face majorities, that is called, when inferior groups face superior groups in multicultural countries, and that compare the characters in Number the Star and The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. The Jews and Indians in the two books have some common situations. They also have entirely different characteristics and responses to the majorities: the different self-identities and the separate Alvin 2 inhabitations or not. First, The Jews and Indians in the books are not the majorities and their presidents are not the same races as them so that it is difficult for them to announce their voice and opinion throughout the countries, and most people will not notice them. From this plot “Well, this article said that over two hundred Mexican girls have disappeared in the last three years in that same part of the country. And nobody says much about that. And that’s racist. The guy who wrote the article says people care more about beautiful white girls than they do
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