Whats the Difference Between a Leader and a Manager ?

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The definition of a manager is a person who has control or direction of an institution, business, etc., or of a part, division, or phase of it. The vital word in this definition is the word control. The single main difference between leaders and managers is that a manager has control over other people whereas a leader doesn’t have control but they influence others to follow them in their beliefs, not forcing their beliefs upon the workforce. A management role is in a hierarchical system where they have set guidelines to carry out actions/jobs and moving away from these guidelines is not acceptable. A leader is different to this. They will accept that people have different ways to complete work efficiently and they seek to achieve this efficiency, not in the way which it is achieved. A leader will guide his followers into using their own initiative to complete jobs and they want breakages of the rules and systems because change brings about new ideas and techniques, whereas prolonged stability will lead to an eventual fall in efficiency of workers. A manager is put in charge to oversee the workforce doing their job. This is a very transactional approach to the task and is simply getting the work done. Obviously this is what a manager has been put in place to do, however putting a leader in charge of the same group of people will get the job done but at the same time they will transform them to become more successful and better at their job. This is because leaders are good at correcting and encouraging workers. A manager will demotivate workers by telling them what they have done wrong and telling them off for it; however a good leader will correct them in a positive way and encourage and challenge them to do better next time. This is a better form of motivation as the worker feels like they’re proving that you won’t need to be corrected in the future. Once the

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