What's the Role of Prison / Jail?

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How to deal with prisoners is a hot issue of debate in psychological and sociological circles all around the world. Should prison life be of hardship to discipline the prisoners or should it be void of hardships to help prisoners appreciate the bright aspects of life? One viewpoint widely held is that the amount of hardship prisoners are exposed to should be consonant with crime they have perpetrated. I tend to agree with this widely established opinion because of two outstanding reasons. First of all, when criminals are treated differently based on the seriousness of the crimes they have committed they come to realize the meaning of fairness and the fact that fairness has an indispensable role in the judiciary and punitive system. Secondly, the tougher a criminal is, the harder the punitive measures should be in order to bring about improvement in the deeds of the person involved. Firstly, when crime and its subsequent punishment are congruent, prisoners understand the meaning of fairness. This, in turn, leads prisoners' appreciation of this important concept and assists them grasp the idea that "fairness must be a key issue in human relations and the concept needs to be safeguarded." Once such an idea becomes established, prisoners will definitely make efforts not make the world a more unfair place than before and consequently won't commit any crimes. Furthermore, prisoners who have committed more serious crimes should be exposed to more punishment. It is evident that criminals who commit more serious crimes normally are tougher and lack mental flexibility when it comes to change and improvement. Therefore more hardship should be placed on tough criminals' shoulders to make them receptive enough to change. To wrap up, prisons are usually considered to be places where criminals receive punishment. While this proposition holds true, it is worth considering that
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