What Would a World Be Like Without Death

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It is of my opinion that a world without death would mean overcrowding, and there would be no concept of time. Death ultimately enhances life and is the sole factor in our world which brings meaning to life. Without such a vital aspect of life in our day today behavior, our social system would begin to decay. According to our textbook there are many consequences to consider in a world without death such as enforcing birth control to reduce families from having babies, inheritance might not mean anything as people would never benefit from it and elderly people would definitely outnumber the youth so much that anything new would not have a chance (Kastenbaum pg.75). Death controls many realms of society for example, without death time would not need to exist and time would no longer be of the essence. The notions of seize the moment and capture the day would be irrelevant and seldom put to use. Without death I know procrastinate for me would take place on an unprecedented scale and would diminish social and individual productivity and achievement. Kastenbaum states “I don’t know if I would have the same ambitions and make progress on them” (Kastenbaum pg. 76). Those are my feelings exactly, why put off today what you can do tomorrow, particularly if there are an infinite number of tomorrows. In addition, without death relationships would take on a new and different meaning. For example, the term“til death do us part” would take on an entirely different meaning with the absence of death and the absence of time. The majority of the world’s religion is based on the idea that one’s actions in life determine one’s fate in the afterlife. I know for me I am always willing to do well and avoid bad because I believe it will in some way enhance my afterlife. I practice that religion is the ultimate morality scale and becomes obsolete with the absence of death. Death as I

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