What was the impact of WWI on the Home Front of USA?

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What was the impact of WWI on the Home Front of participating nations? World War I had, like every war, disastrous impact on every sphere of life. But WWI is not any ‘usual’ war; it is the first general conflict, first “total war” (conflict of unlimited range, in which a belligerent engages in a total mobilization of all available resources: human, industrial, agricultural, military, natural, technological, with the aim to totally destroy opponents resistance; in this type of war, there is no precise differentiation between soldiers and civilians than in other conflicts, as nearly everyone can be considered to be part of their own country’s war effort ) on world level, in the history of humankind. Because the WWI is total war, it had huge effect on Home Front. Home front is defined as a term commonly used to describe the civilian population of the nation at war as an active support system of its military (not only mobilization of soldiers, but civilians too). There are lots of ways of “active support”: • Civilians are encouraged to work harder, longer and with more enthusiasm, with the aim of providing army with qualitative ‘resources’ in general (food, clothing, weapons etc.); • Civilians are making concessions including food, food rationing (less meat, more vegetables; no food wasting; simple recipes and making meals with the smallest amount of ingredients possible etc.) supported by government ; • Civilians are there to praise and give full support to their army and the army officials, and hate opponents; so, it is always a moral boost for the soldiers on the front, and encouragement for other people to join the fight; propaganda and censorship were used by the government to “shape the mind of nation”; All the great European powers – Germany, France, and Britain had the capability of waging war on a unique scale. These countries could mobilize

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