What Techniques Are Used by Charlotte Bronte Create Sympathy for Jane Eyre in Chapters 1-5

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Introduction 'What techniques are used by Charlotte Bronte create sympathy for Jane Eyre in chapters 1-5' The novel 'Jane Eyre' written by the famous author Charlotte Bronte, portrays a story of a young orphan by the name of Jane who has to live with her cruel aunt Mrs Reed and cousins at Gateshead Manor, where Jane is continually and abused until she moves away to Lowood school and eventually finds happiness there. Bronte uses various techniques to create sympathy for Jane including: pathetic phallacy, symbolism, animal imagery, characterisation and language and structure. Charlotte Bronte uses pathetic phallacy as one of her main techniques that she uses to create sympathy for Jane. She uses the created setting to suggest that the weather could possibly reflect Jane's state of mind. The type of weather really indicates and also allows us access to Jane's thoughts and feelings 'The cold winter wind had bought with it clouds so sombre and a rain so penetrating'. The winter wind is described as 'cold' bringing visuals of a bleak and great setting to the readers mind. Jane describes the clouds as 'sombre 'which is rather a human emotion which then suggests that maybe Jane could be personifying the clouds. However the personification of the 'sombre clouds' could be a mirror reflection of Jane herself and how she feels. ...read more. Middle Symbolism is one of Bronte's features that is used to bring out Jane's character and personality which then makes us feel sorry for her as Jane's nature and persona is not one which is accepted in the 19th century. The symbolism in the novel is used mainly to represent Jane's disposition. The allegory of the moon is exceptionally significant 'The cold and ghastly moon'. This is surprisingly momentous as in the 19th century the moon was seen as a symbol of madness. This greatly reflects Jane as Jane's personality and behaviour is

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