Nursing Essay: What Nursing Means To Me

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What Nursing Means To Me
According to Algase (2010), nursing is defined as “the protection, promotion, and optimization of health and abilities, prevention of illness and injury, alleviation of suffering through treatment, and diagnosis” (p.148). Many years ago being a nurse meant wearing a starched, pristine white uniform with a matching white cap and shoes. That immaculate white uniform was a symbol of purity. When you saw a nurse wearing it, you automatically associated them with having compassion, being charismatic and caring, and following orders. Fortunately, the nursing uniform has progressed over the years as well as the attitude about the nursing profession. In today’s world nurses seldom wear white, most do not even wear uniforms. The idea that nurses are bedside servants is a thing of the past; along with those white uniform dresses. Nurses have gone from being viewed as bedside servants that take orders from doctors to fast-moving, critical thinking, lifesavers. Being a nurse has always meant more to me than a white dress, it provides excellent job, opportunities, as well as an identity. Although nursing is a great career, it is much more than just a job. As a nurse you get a little glimpse into people’s private lives. You are there at their worst and best moments in life. In one day you may have to tell someone that a
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One Polish nurse, Zarzyka (2007), describes nursing as “the unique function to assist the individual, sick or well, in the performance of those activities contributing to health and recovery” (p. 371). All across the globe, nursing means the same thing. Providing the patient with compassion, care, and recovery back to health. Nursing is much more than putting on a white dress and providing bedside care. Nursing offers not only a job but also opportunities. In my opinion, the greatest reward nursing has to offer is a powerful identity: a

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