What Motivates People to Change?

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To change is to risk something, making us feel insecure. Not to change is a bigger risk, though we seldom feel that way. There is no choice but to change. People, however, cannot be motivated to change from the outside. All of our motivation comes from within. What motivates people to change? Change is one of important events in one’s life. Change can be positive or negative, helps one know more about the world or deter one in the right way. There are a lot of things that motivate people to change. Some people are encouraged to change from outside while others change themselves. Both internal factors and external factors motivate people to change. Many people believe that only when one copes with difficulties in one’s life does one change. However, external factors play an important part to motivate people to change. For instance, in Vietnamese literature, “Chi Pheo”, a famous short story written by Nam Cao, is about a kind and strong farmer. Unfortunately, he was unlawfully imprisoned for 8 years and then he became different person, a cruel man. After going back to the village, he suddenly met a woman, Thi No. He fell in love with her because she took care of him. Therefore, he realized that the life was still beautiful and he changed his character, became a nice person. Most of changes come from inside people through their experience. After dealing with a problem in one’s life, one may know more about the world. Therefore, one can change one’s thoughts, attitude as well as behavior. For example, of all Vietnamese short stories, “De Men phieu luu ky”, written by To Hoai, is a story about a cricket which is not afraid of anything. While being with his friend, he makes fun of a bigger animal and it kills his friend. He is very regretful, undergoes the first of his several experiences. He changes his thoughts and behaviors so then he has a new friend and makes a
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