What Makes People Happy

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What Makes People Happy? In my opinion,there are no fixed rules to define happiness. Circumstances which makes one person happy may not bring joy to another.In the same way, certain possessions may bring happiness to one person while doing nothing for another. Different people have different ideas about the pursuit of happiness. Some people believe that the accumulation of material wealth will bring them happiness.Others believe that the hunt for material wealth will only bring misery and suffering.For a person who chases after material wealth,who is to say when their wealth will be enough?For a person who shuns material wealth,can they truly say that they will be happy living in poverty? There are,of course,other factors that contribute to the happiness of an individual such as health,social status,fame,education and career, just to name a few.There are some who will be happy and content to lead a mediocre life where all their basic needs are taken care of. There are others who will be happy for as long as they are healthy. Some people find peace and contentment in religion. I strongly feel that happiness is just a state of mind.How then do we get to the state where we convince ourselves that we are indeed happy? The answer lies in contentment.When we are content,we will be happy.There are no two ways about it.People who value family life may be paupers in the material sense but if they have a happy home and a loving family to come back to every day,they will be happy.On the other hand,materialistic people may not care about their family as long as they have millions in the bank to satisfy them. No one should tell us how to be happy and no one can dictate that we should be happy.We are responsible for ensuring our own happiness.It is up to evaluate the things that we want in life and to determine whether we have reached our goals.If we are content
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