What Is the True Meaning of Life

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What is the True Meaning of Life? Why was I born? Why are we here? These are arguably the most common questions asked throughout history by children and scholars alike. The answers to these types of questions about the true meaning of life are virtually endless and may come from any discipline such as philosophy, psychology, spirituality, science, and religion. Here are some of the main viewpoints that attempt to answer the question "What is the true meaning of life?" The true meaning of life is religious devotion. Many people in the world feel that their true purpose is one of devotion to their religion. Nearly all religions have a supernatural being. The followers are supposed to connect with the higher power and do good works in the name of the deity or creator that will benefit humankind. Atheism holds the opposite stance; that there is no supernatural being or Creator. Atheist views usually express that life is evolved and look for non-religious meanings to explain life’s true purpose. The Golden Rule that holds that humans should treat others as they would themselves is a strong purpose in many religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Muslim and Jainism as well as Buddhism. The real meaning of life is mostly a biological one. Some people feel that the meaning of life is to continue humankind through reproduction. Since the end of life is death, they argue that the creation of more humans is the most important thing. Otherwise humanity would cease to exist. The humanist approach to the question of the meaning of life is that it is mainly about reproduction and the expansion of humankind. There are different types and stances of those who call themselves humanists, but most humanist views see one’s individual purpose as being able to fit in with the needs of humanity as a whole. Many humanists express the view that the true meaning of life is

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