What Is the Contribution of “Risk Behavior in Decision-Making in a Multi-Person-Setting” to Our Understanding of the Psychology of Risk?

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Applied psychology for health and wellbeing Essay Question: With reference to theory and research, critically appraise the role of intrinsic motivation and where relevant relate this to sport, exercise and health. Introduction As human beings we live in the world with much kind of reasons, those reasons can also be considered as motivations. For example, in order to avoid disease people might eat more healthy, athletes train harder for the gold medal in Olympics, people go to gym for good body shape and parents work hard in order to give their children a better life. Motivations come from both internal and external, which are intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. Someone may be motivated by intrinsic motivation, such as you play snooker just because you like it. Someone may be on the extrinsic motivation, such as the doctor said you would have heart disease if you cannot control your weight. Someone may be motivated by both. In this essay, I am going to use self-determination theory and other relevant to appraise those motivations on sport, exercise and health. Overview the theory Basically, there are two types of motivation, intrinsic and extrinsic motivation. Intrinsic motivation is driven by interests, enjoyment or the fulfilling of individual’s core value. It contains three types of intrinsic motivations (Weinberg & Gould, 2003): knowledge, accomplishment and stimulation. Knowledge refers athletes participate sport activities because of the pleasure and enjoyment they get from learning new skills in sports. Accomplishment occurs when athletes participate activities because they master a skill and aim to achieve a specific level or goal. For example, reaching goal of lifting 100kg. Stimulation occurs when people participate activities because of pleasant sensations, such as fun,

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