What Is Fashion to Me

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FASHION the wow factor to the world, the do's and the dont's, the yes and the no. Fashion isn't just the clothes you wear, but it's the life that's in the clothes, and accessories. Fashion is a major part of the world, it's a way to express yourself a way to show the world who you are while having dignity and respect . Fashion is a very major part of my life, not only do i rely on it as a career later or soomn to be . This all started when i was in. During my middle school years, i was just a random old boy that wanted to fit in i used to get picked on a lot but i honsetly didnt even think much about it just because i knew later on in life tht every person who was picking on me would admire me it took a year or so to figure out that being different is great not only because of the audience but becuase you bring something new to the game, and I could show the people around me who I truly was without trying to be someone I'm not. people may say im extra but im quick to correct and say this is me and, i didnt choose to be different it just came naturally . Beleive it or not the key of dressing, designing, styling, etc. is not caring what people have to say basiclly you just have to learn not to give af excuse my french . It takes time to learn that people are gonna talk and say things about you that's just life , My dream fashion job honestly I don't have a clue I know that sounds unprofessional but hey I'm just telling the truth . But I do have some sort of clue , I would like to be a designer and have my own clothing line just like you but I also would like to customize . Also Sketching Is not my specialty it's not that I can't draw it's just that I feel like my ideas come out better without out paper and pencil it's just a sense of my creativity . As Much as I love doing what I

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