What Is Beauty?

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Some people say “the prettiest girls are the happiest girls,” others say “beauty comes from pain,” but what really is beauty? Beauty can be put into many different subsets, such as: physical features, viewpoint on life, emotional outlook, and many other characteristics. Many people, specifically women, strive to be the epitome of beauty. Though, many seem to have a set image of beauty in their minds, and will go to drastic measures to achieve that desired look. One main contributing factor of the average women’s definition of ‘beauty’ is body weight. In the early 1900’s, the viewpoint on beauty was to have extra body weight. In the 1920’s and on, the trend was to become increasingly skinnier. Each passing year body weight went down, and the number of eating disorders went up. People were being persuaded on what was ‘beautiful’ according to that weight of their bodies. Some examples of beauty throughout the centuries and the people who were considered beautiful in their time were Marilyn Monroe, Twiggy, and others. Marilyn Monroe was a size fourteen; though, she was a symbol for beauty and sex, but according to today’s standards she would be considered overweight. If you fast forward a few decades to the era where Twiggy was considered beautiful, you would find that the curvy figure is out of style and stick thin is now what was beautiful. Men and women all over the world are trying to answer the question, ‘what is beauty,’ but the image of beauty constantly changes, which makes it a struggle for women to keep up with the trends. In reaction to the struggle, women begin losing weight in the unhealthiest ways: starvation and making themselves sick. According to the average women, to be beautiful is to be skinny. For some women, it is easier to lose weight through damaging ways rather than to become slender through fitness. One way in which beauty is based on
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