What Is Art

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Art is work that is put together by an individual. It is a true creative act that is used as a form of expression from the artist. Art is inspiring and can influence a society. Art work is seen through acting, music, and pictures. First of all, one can see art through acting. Acting is a performance in which one disguises oneself and becomes a different individual. Acting is an expression of oneself. This act can be seen in plays, on television and in movies. Acting is important to a society for it provides an escape route as well as a form of entertainment. Without acting there would be a lot more boredom. Earlier many people relied on going to plays but nowadays the trend has shifted drastically to the field of movies as well as television. Without these forms of art, it would be difficult for one to stay entertained. Acting is a form of art that is very important to a society. The second form of art is music. Song writers and singers use their talent to make music. Music can influence others and can be seen as a form of entertainment also. It is constantly being played on the radio and television as well as clubs and concerts. Many listen to music to become entertained. For many people, listening to an inspirational song can effect their views and can also influence them into reaching their goals. Hence music is a very well known form of art. Lastly, art can be seen in art galleries. Some forms of art that are usually seen are sculptures, paintings and photographs. All these forms are made uniquely and by individuals. It is the fact that it is made by thought and made by a person that is called art. Sculptures of people and objects can be inspiring as well as educational to many people. Paintings and photographs can inspire a people. These forms of art are very important to society. If there were no galleries nor any forms of art than this world would be

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