What God Means To Me

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Who is God, God is what we picture him as. I picture God as tall man, bearded, has long hair, wears a blue robe, wears sandals, and has blue eyes. God is our brother, father, and our friend. God is like our parent he takes care of us and loves us all the same. He is the best because he forgives our sins and he forgives us when we hurt somebody or when someone hurts us. God protects us from any harm he goes out of his way to make sure we are safe. God hears us though our prayers and when we go to mass. He is the most powerful. God is like a blanket over the world because he always sees us and he can see when we are doing something bad. And he protects me and my family. God is all mighty and no one can defeat him and couldn’t ever be able to defeat him. I know sometimes God isn’t always happy with me, but he still loves me even if I don’t do something good. I try to live up to Gods standards even though it is hard. I also try to be as perfect as I can. It’s crazy how God can put up with all your nonsense. But he does no that we were made with original sin and that we will always make mistakes. God is our savior if we didn’t have him the world would be so crazy. God is like a water it never goes bad nor gets too old and always is there. In conclusion God is everything he is day and night, rain and fire, and snow and sand. God is everything and will never grow old. No matter if you don’t want him there he will be. To me God is my savior, brother, father, and especially my
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