What Extra Knowledge and Understanding of the Important Features of Kennaway House Do You Gain from a Study of the Other Evidence You Have Been Provided with?

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Introduction Sidmouth is a small town at the mouth of the River Sid. This is set in the Sid valley. Sidmouth started as a small fishing village but has grown to be a medium sized regency town. Kennaway House is a Regency mansion built in 1805 by Captin Thomas Phillips and his wife Harriet Amyatt, who was one of the daughters of James Amyatt. The arrival of the Kennaway family illustrates that there was a period of mobility, both geographical and social in Sidmouth during the Regency era. From the extra evidence I have been provided with, I can increase my knowledge and understanding of the location, history and features of the regency mansion. Source 1 The first source that I have been provided with is the drawing of Fort House from 1807 by an unknown local artist. This picture helps to show and support several features about Kennaway house. For example in 1807, the picture shows the landscape that the house is set in. It helps to support that Sidmouth was set in a secluded location, with steep valleys. It also shows how the town has had to expand up the valley because it is too steep to expand outwards. The drawing also displays how there was lots of space to develop on. This is an important factor when considering development in Sidmouth. All of the space shown in the drawing had been developed on by the middle of the 20th century. This drawing also shows the immense scale of the house. At the time, the rich only built large houses because they required high maintenance, which cost lots of money. The large scale of the house had a big impact on the town as it attracted other wealthy figures to Sidmouth. They constructed similar buildings like Fort field Terrace at a similar date to the construction of Kennaway House. The scale also suggests that the original owner, Captain Thomas Philips built the house to show off his immense wealth. Some of the remaining

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