What Does a Collge Education Mean to Me

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Abstract For many people, the value of an education is equivalent to what may be achieved throughout those formative years and possibly high school and for others It has greater value to achieve college and beyond. However, a good solid education no matter the source is a foundation like no other and is necessary for nearly every event in life and the opportunity to explore a new journey of self discovery. THE VALUE OF AN EDUCATION AND WHAT IT MEANS TO ME An education, how often we hear this throughout every stage in life. An education can mean power to some, can be life affirming for others, and overall priceless to everyone, it’s so much more than earning a degree or an award that shows you have completed a particular academic goal. For me, it means so much more. An education encompasses a full knowledge and understanding of one’s self, what inspires them, motivates them and empowers one to seek what brings them happiness and closer to one’s goals and an overall purpose in life. During my own experiences in high school, the pressure to achieve a college education seemed endless and often overwhelming as there were others in high school who seemed to have it to have it all figured out. These ideas, notions and pressures for youth to graduate and become successful as I reflect was somewhat of a grave injustice to the individual needing something more, something centralize or differently structured academically to at least bring about the best results of continuing education beyond the 12th grade and create substance. The pursuit of educational value impacts individuals differently as it a personal journey and sometimes a personal struggle but as I matured I realize that society places high importance on earning degrees and being successful without always providing the effective foundations to do so. The rate of high school drop outs alone is at a

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