What Can You Consider to Be Effective Means of Keeping Law and Order in Today's Society?

838 Words4 Pages
What can you consider to be effective means of keeping law and order in today's society? I live in jittery society full of disorder and belong among the people who live with a fear of another pandemonium in their hearts every morning. The unstable government, the ever up surging load shedding hours, the hiking price of petrol plus its scarcity has definitely disrupted the order of the well being within me and the mixture of all these factors have undoubtedly also been seen as disruption of the law and order outside in the society too. Though the situation is in an all mess at present, we can be hopeful for a change if certain policies are brought into effect. This implementation of these policies again should start from the top level, the constitution as to be drafted by our power hungry leaders and spread effectively to the urban educated population and advance to the rural eager groups. Economic policies that protect the interests of the rural people who constitute the majority is important rather than focusing only upon the already privileged few. Nepal being a country with agriculture as the major economic backbone can't ignore the farmers. The plight of the majority of farmers is marked as their produce does not fetch them a high price as the middlemen siphon too much. Economic policies should be reconsidered with efforts to promote fairness in business so that people get the yield they deserve for their efforts. The price of filling up the gas tank or filling up a shopping cart has sky rocketed over the past few years which is a clear indication of our failing government system and policies. The downward spiral in our economy has caused several Nepalese their homes, their jobs and their faith in that fundamental promise of New NEPAL. The breadwinner of the family has to struggle to make the month's paycheck meet the bills. Government should take up

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