What Are We Presently Doing to Protect Our Environment?

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WHAT ARE WE PRESENTLY DOING TO PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT? Nowadays people are realizing that we really have to protect the environment, which is being destroyed and damaged more and more every day. The economic growth during the last decades has given a lot of economical advances to the world; but at the same time, we haven’t realized that most of those economical activities are destroying our Planet Earth. The Earth is giving us a lot of signs telling us that we really need to do something about it. It is everywhere, we see it every day. The Earth is trying to tell us that we need to change the way that we using the natural resources. The pollution of the environment has increased the global warming. The increase of the global warming is bringing a lot of consequences; for example the weather is changing. In our city New York, we see how the weather is going crazy, we facing non-usual storms and extremely hot or extremely cold temperatures more often during the last decades. Other activities such as the overuse of the forest resources are causing deforestation. With the incontrollable deforestation, we are losing our rainforest around the world. Tree population is important to the natural cycle of the environment. We are destroying our forest cutting the trees, using the land, etc. In other words, we are really abusing of the Earth resources to satisfy our economical needs. But that is the reason why our environment is in a worse situation every day. Even though, our economical activities are destroying our planet, I think that everyday more people agree that we really need to take actions, as soon as possible to save our planet. Around the world, there are more people taking actions in order to protect the environment. United States is one of the richest countries in the world. During the last decades, US Government has taken actions to regulate the abuse o

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