What Are the Principle Characteristics of ‘States’ and ‘Nation States’?

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What are the principle characteristics of ‘States’ and ‘Nation States’? Are they still important in the world and do you think they will ever disappear? Introduction In the first part this paper introduces the topic of states and nation states, their principal characteristics and definitions and briefly also deals with associated terms such as a nation, national identity and national loyalty. The second part focuses on the question whether states, particularly nation states, are able to survive and will continue to exist in the future. States and nation states We can define a state as an organized, independent political community living under government which has the capability to make rules that are binding for the population living within a particular territory. The state is characterized by its territory, a part of land, which is limited by boundaries and should be recognized by other states. This state territory is inhabited by people, population, who permanently reside there. As written above, the state has to have its government, i.e. a set of institutions that should create the rules and make decisions on behalf and in favour of the state. The state has also an organized economy, it issues money and regulates trade, provides conditions for economic development. The state also has to provide a kind of circulation system, i.e. a transport and communication infrastructure so that people are able to move within the state and/or transport goods, for instance. The state should also provide the defence of its territory and population against interventions of other states. The above written characteristics of the state are rather general and are more or less valid for each individual state. Based on these characteristics we can classify states into several types. According to the head of state we can divide
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