What Are the Main Themes in the Wave and How Does the Author Convey Them? You Must Discuss a Range of Literary Devices in Your Response.

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The Wave, written by Morton Rhue is a fascinating novel based on a true story in California. In order to convey how Hitler and the Nazi party gained power before WW2 Mr Ross, a history teacher, creates a movement called The Wave, after believing his students didn’t pay enough attention to his WW2 documentary. His students dedicate themselves to The Wave and its values of discipline, community and action, creating a cult that equalizes its members and excludes and degrades non-members. Morton Rhue uses literary devices such as metaphors, sarcasm and rhetorical questions in a way that shows all who come into contact with this tangible story, the strength of Power, the flaws and advantages of Human Nature and the importance of Individualism. In The Wave, Individualism is conveyed primarily through the use of the characters, Laurie Saunders, Principal Owen and Mrs Saunders. Laurie is very smart, thinks independently and takes after her mother, who she describes as “the brightest and most perceptive woman (she has) ever encountered”. Laurie sees The Wave positively at first, however, Mrs. Saunders soon puts seeds of doubt in her mind, saying “I don’t think I like it Laurie, it sounds too militaristic to me”. Mrs Saunders helps Laurie to be an individual and the results are evident when Laurie starts questioning the wave and its values “It really was just a fad, wasn’t it?” Rhue uses the literary device of a rhetorical question to imply doubt in Laurie’s mind. Individualism is also shown by Principal Owens, in his conversation with Mr Ross, “This wave thing seems too open ended for my liking”. The next day, Laurie’s views begin to change; “Her thoughts about the wave were beginning to come into focus”. Following this, Laurie finds a story from a junior student that finally gives her the power to act in opposition against The Wave. Power is conveyed as a theme in

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